Hearing Loss Overview

Did you know that 48 million Americans are diagnosed with significant hearing loss?

Hearing loss can affect people of all ages, but is most prevalent among people over 65 years old. Approximately 25% of people between the ages of 65 to 74 face hearing loss, with over 50% of those over 75 years old. The number of people who experience hearing loss in this country is more than those with Parkinson’s, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s and diabetes combined. Hearing loss is more prevalent than you’d expect, and it is the third most common health condition in the U.S., only trailing behind arthritis and heart problems.
Two old men in a kitchen

Types of Hearing Loss

There are three main types of hearing loss, each with distinct causes and characteristics:

Conductive Hearing Loss

Definition: Occurs when sound waves are not efficiently conducted through the outer ear, ear canal, or middle ear.

Causes: Blockages (earwax), infections (otitis media), fluid in the middle ear, perforated eardrum, otosclerosis (abnormal bone growth in the middle ear), or malformations of the ear structures.

Treatment: Often treatable with medication, surgery, or hearing aids to bypass the blockage or damage.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Definition: Results from damage to the inner ear (cochlea) or the auditory nerve pathways.

Causes: Aging (presbycusis), exposure to loud noise, head trauma, certain medications (ototoxic drugs), genetic factors, illnesses (measles, mumps, meningitis), or congenital issues.

Treatment: Usually permanent and managed with hearing aids, cochlear implants, or assistive listening devices. In some cases, medical treatment may be necessary if the cause is related to an illness or medication.

Mixed Hearing Loss

Definition: A combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.

Causes: Any factors that contribute to both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss simultaneously, such as a head injury that damages both the middle and inner ear, or an infection that affects multiple parts of the ear.

Treatment: Addressing both components separately, which may involve a combination of medical treatments, surgery, and hearing aids or other assistive devices.

Each type of hearing loss requires a specific approach for diagnosis and treatment. Hearing care providers can conduct detailed assessments to determine the type and extent of hearing loss and recommend appropriate interventions.

Happy family on a beach

Causes of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss conditions can be caused by a plethora of reasons, ranging from a variety of medical conditions and disorders to obstruction to noise-induced, which all can affect our ability to hear or understand speech. Below is a list of causes of hearing loss:

  • Congenital hearing loss (present at or soon after birth)
  • Lack of oxygen at birth
  • Inherited genetic disorder
  • Head injury or trauma
  • Major ear infections
  • Aging
  • Injury to the inner ear/eardrum
  • Noise-induced hearing loss (exposure to loud noises)

Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can happen to anyone. The good news with hearing loss is that it is preventable and there are indicators in helping us identify signs of hearing loss.
Seniors at lunch

Early signs of hearing loss include:

  • Difficulty hearing on the telephone or during video chatting
  • Headaches or exhaustion from straining to listen or hear
  • Asking people to continuously repeat themselves
  • Feeling people are mumbling or speaking to softly
  • Difficulty understanding speech in noisy places
  • Turning up the volume too loud

Social signs of hearing loss include:

  • Social bluffing or pretending to be able to hear when we actually can’t
  • Lip-reading and body language are often used to fill in the gaps of not being able to hear
  • Relying more often on visual cues

Did you know that on average, people with hearing loss wait seven years before seeking professional help?

Imagine taking that long to treat health issues like diabetes or heart problems, or even correcting your vision. Audiologists suggest that anyone over the age of 21 should seek out an annual hearing assessment to allow for a baseline to track our hearing abilities over the years. If you don’t face hearing loss, seeking a hearing assessment will allow for preventative measures. If you find yourself or a loved one affected by hearing loss, the list below underscores the benefits of treating hearing loss.
Two elderly men laughing

Better Communication

The most obvious is that those with hearing loss will once again gain the ability to communicate challenge free with the assistance of hearing aids. It will enable you to connect with your family, friends, and co-workers on a deeper, more meaningful level.

Better Cognitive Health

Research shows that hearing loss is linked to cognitive health disorders like Alzheimer’s and dementia. When it comes to hearing health and the brain the sooner you treat it, the better.

Improved Safety and Mobility

Hearing loss has an impact on our safety not only with falls, but also driving. The sooner you get treated for your hearing loss, you’ll be not only safer but also more mobile. Studies have shown that those who treat their hearing loss venture further from their homes more frequently.

Why Wait? Change the Quality of Your Life!

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